Kerala State Disaster Management Authority (Government of Kerala)

Kerala State Disaster Management Authority (Government of Kerala)
Kerala state disaster management policy - Kerala State Disaster Management Authority (2009)
A document that highlights the need for a disaster management strategy for Kerala and includes the need, objectives and implementation steps to be taken.
Posted on 11 Oct, 2010 04:28 PM

This document highlights the vulnerable status of the state in terms of natural disasters and highlights the urgent need for a disaster management strategy for the state.

The objectives of the Kerala state disaster management policy include:

  • To develop and ensure policy, institutional and techno – legal frameworks for disaster management in the state
  • To develop and maintain proactive governance and systems, and promote research and development for Disaster risk management strategies for  disaster prevention and mitigation.
  • To establish effective disaster crisis management through the organisation and management of resources and responsibilities for dealing with all aspects of emergencies with respect to response, rehabilitation and reconstruction.
  • To strengthen the capacities and resilience of vulnerable communities with special emphasis on empowerment of women and establish community level systems for pre, during and post disaster interventions.
  • To build capacities and promote positive changes in the administrative systems, procedures and personnel that would facilitate efficient and effective pre and post disaster activities.
  • To institutionalise disaster management in government as envisaged in DM Act, 2005 and to mainstream disaster management in to developmental planning.