International Water Law Research Institute Dundee University Scotland

International Water Law Research Institute Dundee University Scotland
Methodologies for integrated water resources management: Proceedings of the first stakeholder meeting of Striver project (Jan 2007)
The Striver project is an international project to develop methodologies for integrated water resources management (IWRM). In India Tungabhadra basin is being covered under this project Posted on 11 Aug, 2009 01:36 PM

This deals with the proceedings of the first stakeholder meeting held under the STRIVER project for the Tungabhadra River Basin. The meeting involved representatives from different stakeholder groups like the Irrigation Departments and Command Area Development Agencies (CADAs), Forest Department, Pollution Control Board, Fisheries Department, NGOs and civil society groups from the Tungabhadra basin, representatives of Water User Associations and farmers. Only the representation from industries was lacking in this meeting.
