David E Bloom

David E Bloom
Water poverty in Mumbai slum
Water service delivery failures can negatively impact household economy, employment, education, quality of life, social relationships, community cohesion, and people’s sense of political inclusion. Posted on 27 Aug, 2015 01:42 PM

One characteristic of most Indian slums is their inadequate access to water, which has a serious impact on the health of its residents. Most of the research on water service delivery in slums until recently has focused on water quality and health outcomes, especially diarrhoeal illnesses.

An illegal settlement (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
An evaluative study on the informal water distribution system in Kaula Bandar slum in Mumbai- A paper in BioMed Central Public Health Journal
The paper evaluates an informal water distribution system in Kaula Bandar(KB), slum in Mumbai. Posted on 03 Mar, 2013 07:22 PM

As a result of rapid urbanisation, majority of migrated population is forced to settle in places which are not legally recognised by state authorities. These areas thus lack in basic services like water supply and sewerage. Consequently, the slum dwellers often resort to illegal methods to avail these services.
