C Lakshumanan
C Lakshumanan
Cadastral level resources information system for Kundapallam (Kd1) and Neeralipallam (kb3) watersheds in the Nilgiris district, Tamil Nadu, using remote sensing, GPS and GIS
Posted on 12 May, 2009 12:03 PMThis article deals with cadastral level resources information system for Kundapallam (Kd1) and Neeralipallam (kb3) watersheds in the Nilgiris district using remote sensing, GPS and GIS. The main objectives of the study are as follows -
- Creation of cadastral level resources information system for sustainable watershed development
- To identify the improper land-use practice areas with the combination of slope and soil type
- To evolve and arrive at local-specific cadastral boundary level development action paln considering land and forest resources for optimal utilization and to address the remedial developmental measures for Kundapallam (kd1) and Neeralipallam (kb3) microwatersheds on a sustainable basis.