A huge number of links are present on these sites which provide access to various data and information regarding the status of rural drinking water & sanitation and related government projects.
Below is a short list of some of the more important of these links -
- Habitation Profile: Select a habitation using the query form in this link and the response gives a snapshot of demographic, water supply and water quality information.
- Sanitation Status by Panchayat: For a particular panchayat, see the sanitation status (APL/BPL households with and without toilets, school and anganwadi toilets etc.). Click below for -
- The website of the Nirmal Gram Puraskar programme of the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation contains a list of Gram Panchayats (block and district wise) that have been awarded under the programme.
- Drinking Water Quality at Habitation, Block, District and State Level: For any habitation, this shows the results of water quality test on one or more water sources in the village. The reports show the quantities of several parameters/contaminants in the water and signal those parameters that are outside acceptable drinking water limits. This also shows aggregate test results at block, district and state level. As regards its navigation, from the URL above, click on the hyperlinked number in the rightmost column ("Sources tested") for the state you are interested in, in order to go to the screen where you can query by habitation. Clicking on the state name gives aggregate numbers by district or block, for the samples and sources tested. It also provides a list of habitations identified as quality-affected state-wise and year-wise from 2009-10 onwards.
- Data from the National Habitation Survey of 2003: This provides the list of habitations in each block (administrative unit). It gives statewise numbers for "Not Covered", "Fully Covered", "Partially Covered" habitations (coverage refers to water supply). Furthermore, it gives the number of habitations with water quality problems along with the name of the contaminant. Full list of habitations for every state, along with the village and panchayat it belongs to is also available and can be exported.
- Jalmani: This is a project to provide water purification systems for schools. The reports at the above URL (use the "Reports") link at the top left hand side, give statewise information on the number of systems installed, type of system and cost. You can also find the habitations at which systems were installed.
- Location of the nearest water testing laboratory is also available.
- The Integrated Management Information Systems covers several reports of different types.
We encourage you to use the above links to find information for villages that you are familiar with and add your comment below as to the quality and accuracy of the data on the website above. We will bring the attention of the Department to your comments and feedback.
General Notes:
The following may be noted regarding the terminology: The administrative units in India fall in the following hierarchy: State -> District -> Block -> Panchayat -> Village -> Habitation.
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