The Chhattisgarh ground water (regulation and control of development and management) bill, 2012

This document by Government of Chattisgarh spells out the characteristic features of the Chhattisgarh’s ground water bill.  This bill is meant to regulate and development of groundwater and matters connected with it. The bill was enacted by the state legislature in 2012.

The specific details of the bill are elaborated in five chapters. In the first chapter the definitions of following terms are given: act, artificial recharge to ground water, authority, drinking water, government, ground water, prescribed, rainwater harvesting, sink, user of ground water and well. Further it states that the act is not in derogation of any other law.

 The second chapter is on constitution of the ground water authority. It lays down the hierarchical structure of the authority, the terms and conditions of the members of the authority and the knitty gritty of power entrusted to the authority.

 Third chapter sheds light on rain water harvesting, which is done with the motive of improving ground water situation in critical areas.  It also talks about of the need for mass awareness and training that is required for promoting rain water harvesting. Further it points out at the need to formulate guidelines for recycling and reuse of waste water by all users of water.

 Chapter four elaborates on myriad issues such as power to remove difficulties, issues of offences and penalties, appeals, the power to make rules and accruing arrears of land revenue.

 The final chapter elaborates on the issue of funds, account and audit of the authority.

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