Behaviour change communication for sanitation: campaign materials

In partnership with the Government of Karnataka, Arghyam ran a communication campaign aimed at creating a demand for improved sanitation. 

This communication campaign was run in 25 Gram Panchayats in Davangere district, Karnataka in early 2014 – more details on the key messages and conceptualization of the campaign here.

Materials from the campaign have been made available for free download here. This campaign should be ideally rolled out in all the villages in the Gram Panchayats.

The current campaign collaterals are all based on the erstwhile Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) scheme 2013-2014 (now renamed the Swachh Bharat Mission), where there was convergence of NBA and Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA).  With the change in the scheme from NBA to SBM and from our own learning from the previous campaign, the collaterals have been redesigned accordingly and will be posted in the days to come.

These collaterals can be tweaked or translated to suit the location in which they are to be used. The materials here are available in Kannada (as they were run in a district in Karnataka), and have been translated to English and Hindi. 

Editable versions of all these materials are available, for adaptation and translation to other languages. Please write to for further details.

Main campaign collaterals

1. The 'Jaldi' logo - Jaldi means fast / quick; the campaign message urges people to build the toilet fast and promises that the Government will release the subsidy fast.
2. Signature message and photo – Build a toilet and fulfill your responsibility, showing responsible father Honnappa with a toilet in the background.

Preparatory work

3. Wall painting of beneficiary list - The master list to be used as a template for painting the names of the eligible beneficiaries in the neighborhood/ walls of Gram Panchayat, a week before the roll out of the campaign explains who in the GP is eligible for the subsidy. 
4. Door sticker
a. Post card size A5
b. To be stuck on households  without toilets on the day before the campaign
5. Poster  with signature message and photo of the campaign 
c. Size: 6 x 4 ft : mounted on sun board  at the entrance of the village on the Gram Panchayat
d. Size: A3 flex sheets to be placed in strategic places in the Gram Panchayat
6. Invitation
A door to door exercise is carried out on the day before the event, where the 'Swachhata Doot' or field worker visits households listed on the master list wall painting (see item 3) that are eligible for the subsidy and who do not have a toilet at home. The below materials are to be distributed to all the eligible beneficiaries inviting them to the scheme and to the next day’s event to give a personal touch to the campaign and the scheme.
i. Invitation envelope 
ii. Invitation - inside the envelope, size A5 to be inserted inside abovementioned envelope
iii. Pamphlet /brochure card: 4 - page folded on scheme described in 6 steps, inside the invitation envelope
7. Pamphlet 
e. Size A5
f. To be distributed in the villages during morning announcements 

Events - Day One

Morning:  Announcements with jingles, distribution of pamphlets, announcements inviting people for the afternoon school rally and evening event.
8. Jingles
a. Banni Banni – only in Kannada, this jingle is about sanitation, inviting people to avail of the NBA subsidy and describes the scheme in six steps. This component has probably changed with the new SBM scheme, and is location-specific. This jingle is available for download here.
b. Nadethalo – only in Kannada, about the problems women face during open defecation. This jingle is available for download here.
Afternoon: Discussion with school and school kids rally in the villages with the slogans.
Evening: Welcome, speech by Gram Panchayat members introducing and talking about the sanitation scheme.
9. Films
a. Screening of the Responsible Father film
What can motivate men to construct toilets? This film is about a responsible father taking care of his daughter’s dreams and needs by constructing a toilet at home.


This film is available in English, Hindi and Kannada.
b. CEO film:
A film showing the district CEO personally inviting everybody to apply for the toilet subsidy and also assuring them that the subsidy will be paid within a short time (time duration of when subsidy will be released should be decided as appropriate/ feasible).


This film is available in English, Hindi and Kannada
c. Testimonial films:
Testimonials from local people, showing the positive experiences of people who have already built toilets. 


This film is available in English, Hindi and Kannada.
View all the films here.
If you would like to use any of these films in your own campaign, please write to
10. Slogans: Currently available in Kannada
a. For posters A3 size 
b. To be written or printed and used during school rally in the afternoon
11. Cap, bag and uniform - These were given to the campaign team and to the 'swachatha doots' with basic stationary and campaign materials. These are illustrative can be designed and customized.
12. Van design - The campaign teams were provided with a van designed with signature image and messages. The designs are illustrative and are in Kannada.

Events - Day Two

This was conducted fifteen days after the first day event covering the same villages. The film screened at this event was a testimonial from the people who started constructing toilets during these fifteen days. 


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