Droughts and Floods

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Featured Articles
May 18, 2024 A case study of women-led climate resilient farming by Swayam Shikshan Prayog
Building the resilience of women farmers (Image: ICRISAT, Flcikr Commons)
April 25, 2024 Understanding the impact of heat on our world
Rising temperatures, rising risks (Image: Kim Kestler, publicdomainpictures.net)
March 30, 2024 A recent study finds that climate change induced extreme weather events such as droughts can increase the vulnerability of women to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).
Droughts affect women the most (Image Source: Gaurav Bhosale via Wikimedia Commons)
January 22, 2024 This study finds that baseflows have a stronger triggering effect on river floods in Peninsular India as compared to rainfall and soil moisture.
River floods and groundwater, the connection. Image for representation purposes only. (Image Source: India Water Portal)
July 14, 2023 These states are at the forefront of flood early warning systems
Previously drought-prone areas are now facing floods (Image: Needpix)
July 7, 2023 WOTR study throws important new findings
The study by WOTR and Wageningen University researchers emphasizes the need to prioritize adaptive capacities alongside agricultural productivity (Image: WallpaperFlare)
Flood batters Assam, over 16 lakh people hit
News this week Posted on 09 Jul, 2020 11:30 AM

Flood situation in Assam continues to remain grim

Assam plaued by the annual flood menace (Image Source: Akash Basumatari)
Floods in Bihar: Helping government fight embankment breach
As fear of flood looms over Bihar, the state government has launched the campaign #HelloWRD for people to reach out to them if they observe any embankment breach or crack in their area. Posted on 08 Jul, 2020 10:01 PM

Every year, incessant rainfall during the monsoon causes floods in the state, with North Bihar being the worst affected.

Ways in which the government can be informed about the embankment breach in your area (Image source: Water Resources Department, Government of Bihar, Twitter handle)
Surviving in uncertainty
Gram Vikas stepped up to ensure access to adequate food and to strengthen dignified income-earning opportunities for the most vulnerable households. Posted on 08 Jul, 2020 07:33 PM

Uncertainty - the pervasive feeling that all of us have been living with from the middle of March 2020. It's the same in our partner villages in Odisha and Jharkhand. Communities we work with have been facing and overcoming uncertainties all through their lives. But this time, the crisis has put unusual stress on their abilities to cope.

Image: Ajaya Behera
Covid-19 and floods: A double whammy for Assam
Assam is plagued by the annual flood menace, but this time it is battling the fury of floods amid the coronavirus pandemic. Posted on 04 Jul, 2020 07:52 PM

It is an annual episode that plays itself out. Assam is, once again, reeling under flood – loss of human and animal life, severe damage to agricultural crops, property, millions of people displaced from their homes, absence of flood preparedness or early warning systems, delayed relief action by the government and the silent apathy of the mainstream media.

A reflection on multi-faceted droughts in Bundelkhand region
Alternatives have to be re-adapted to the understanding of droughts in the wake of climate change. Posted on 01 Jul, 2020 03:10 PM

Drought conditions are not new to Bundelkhand. The acute situation now is a convergence of three types of droughts – meteorological, agricultural and hydrological - cumulatively coinciding as witnessed in Nunagar village in Panna district, Madhya Pradesh. We saw hundreds of vessels queuing up at the panchayat well.

Child walks through the parched field for kilometers to fetch water in peak summer in village Banjari (Image: Reshma Sahoo)
Protecting mangroves, to deal with cyclones
Mangroves not only help India economically by protecting coastal assets during cyclones, but also help by protecting people in densely populated coastal areas. Posted on 23 Jun, 2020 04:36 PM

Coastal flooding is rising in India and recent evidence shows that as high as 36 million Indians will be at the risk of chronic flooding by 2050.

Mangroves of the Sundarbans. (Source: Nature Environment & Wildlife Society - NEWS)
Flood threat looms amid Covid-19 in Bihar
Can Bihar deal with the double whammy of Covid-19 and the annual floods? Posted on 23 Jun, 2020 03:09 PM

Bihar’s annual floods are right around the corner and there is a fear that the flood hazard will collide with the Covid-19 pandemic and amplify it in a manner that emergency responses to both will get disrupted. The state’s strategy to mitigate the effects of flooding needs to be updated in light of the deadly pandemic.

An aerial view of flood affected areas in Kosi river, Bihar on August 28, 2008 (Image: Publi.Resource.Org; Flickr Commons (CC BY 2.0))
Living through Cyclone Amphan and Covid-19: Climate change and water security
In the face of frequent cyclones and floods in the region, investment and long term planning is needed on making basic services of drinking water resilient. Posted on 07 Jun, 2020 11:33 AM

The nomenclature of cyclones and hurricanes is developed much in advance through multilateral processes in the region. The name Amphan (Sky in Thai and Akash in Bangla) was chosen from a long list of potential disasters long back.

Millions of people in India and Bangladesh lost their means of employment, food, water and homes in one go during the cyclone (Image: Srikanth Kolari/ActionAid India)
Centre approves JJM funds to Odisha and Chhattisgarh for this financial year
Policy matters this week Posted on 05 Jun, 2020 05:23 PM

Government approves Jal Jeevan Mission funds for Odisha and Chhattisgarh

Child drinks water from a tap (Image: Imal Hashemi/Taimani Films/World Bank, Flickr Commons, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Cyclone Nisarga hits Maharashtra coast, causes intense rains in western districts
News this week Posted on 05 Jun, 2020 01:03 PM

Making a landfall in Raigad district, cyclone Nisarga wanes but causes heavy rains in western Maharashtra

In a cyclone in 2016, thousands of trees were uprooted (Image source: IWP Flickr photos)