Tamil Nadu

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The Tamil Nadu groundwater (development and management) act (2003)
The act aims to protect groundwater resources from over exploitation and to ensure its planned development and proper management in Tamil Nadu Posted on 20 May, 2009 12:05 PM

This document from the International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC) site is divided into the following chapters:

Artificial recharge using remote sensing and GIS - a case study from Tamil Nadu
The study aims at identifying sites for artificial recharge and recommend suitable recharge structures for every block in Tamil Nadu using remote sensing data and GIS techniques Posted on 19 May, 2009 12:18 PM

This study on the GIS development site was undertaken to identify the favourable areas for artificial recharge and suggest suitable recharge structures to augment the aquifer system.

“Oru Oorula Oru Oorani”: a movie highlighting the problems and solutions for drinking water in drought prone districts of Tamil Nadu
The villagers came together to revive ooranis and found an enduring solution to water problems in drought prone districts of Tamil Nadu Posted on 18 May, 2009 03:44 PM

The film highlights the problems and solutions for drinking water in drought prone districts of Tamil Nadu. Ooranis are village ponds that were engineered several centuries ago to harvest rainwater. 

Time: 14mins

Study of Tirupur textile industry cluster - effluent load, disposal practices and possible options
The study collects data on effluent load, studies current treatment and disposal practices and reviews the available technology options adopted for reduction of pollution Posted on 16 May, 2009 02:55 PM

The objectives of the case study by TIDE supported by Arghyam on the Tirupur textile industry cluster included:

Case studies from waste minimisation circle- an initiative by Ministry of environment and forests
Waste Minimisation Circle (WMC) is an initiative sponsored by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India under the policy framework of promoting waste minimisation in India. Posted on 16 May, 2009 12:23 PM

The initiative aims at:

Resolving the conflict over rural groundwater use between drinking water & irrigation supply – A case study by World Bank
Aquifer recharge and limited consumptive use of groundwater in agriculture can balance its supply and demand Posted on 15 May, 2009 11:55 AM

This case study deals with resolving the conflict over rural groundwater use between drinking water and irrigation supply in Tamil Nadu. In rural water-supply provision, resource availability has not received the attention it deserves.

Financing water crises: World Bank, International Aid Agencies and Privatisation - a report by Navdanya and Research Foundation for Science, Technology & Ecology
The report aims to expose the World Bank aided water privatisation scam in India Posted on 13 May, 2009 05:31 PM

The report by Navdanya and Research Foundation for Science, Technology & Ecology is in two parts. The first part lists the World Bank projects in three categories – loans given from 1950-1990, water restructuring projects from 1990-2005, and projects at approval stage. The second part of the report includes case studies of World Bank driven water privatization projects in Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. 

Cadastral level resources information system for Kundapallam (Kd1) and Neeralipallam (kb3) watersheds in the Nilgiris district, Tamil Nadu, using remote sensing, GPS and GIS
Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS is found to be very effective and economical tool for resources management on sustainable basis Posted on 12 May, 2009 12:03 PM

This article deals with cadastral level resources information system for Kundapallam (Kd1) and Neeralipallam (kb3) watersheds in the Nilgiris district using remote sensing, GPS and GIS. The main objectives of the study are as follows -

  • Creation of cadastral level resources information system for sustainable watershed development
  • To identify the improper land-use practice areas with the combination of slope and soil type
  • To evolve and arrive at local-specific cadastral boundary level development action paln considering land and forest resources for optimal utilization and to address the remedial developmental measures for Kundapallam (kd1) and Neeralipallam (kb3) microwatersheds on a sustainable basis.

Water to the people: drinking water and water for livelihoods - conflicts and alternative concepts in India – A report by Centre for World Solidarity (CWS) and Church Development Service (EED)
The study aims to facilitate the development of good practices in water management and to support people in their struggle for the right to access and control water as a common natural resource Posted on 30 Apr, 2009 12:21 PM

This study is a part of water and democracy programme initiated by the Centre for World Solidarity (CWS) as a joint initiative with Church Development Service (EED) in 2007 involving more than 50 partner organisations in South Asia.

Water democracy - reclaiming public water in Asia: collection of essays by reclaiming public water (RPW) network
The essays present examples of ongoing struggles against water privatization and commercialization as well as inspiring examples of people-centered public water management from across Asia Posted on 29 Apr, 2009 05:08 PM

The collection includes the following four case studies from India:
