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Rashtriya Jan Sansad, March 19 - 23, 2012, New Delhi
Posted on 29 Feb, 2012 04:14 PM

Organization: Rashtriya Jan Sansad / National People's Parliament


India, our country, is today at the crossroads. Despite our intense and diverse human, natural, cultural and technological resources the Constitutional endowments of freedom, equity and justice appear to be a distant dream. On the one side a small group of people have never had it so good with top class infrastructure, privately run airports, relatively cheap air travel, fast moving cars, obscenely high salaries and the promise of a 9 % growth. On the other side the conditions of the majority continue to deteriorate: farmers' suicides; large scale displacements; the use of police and para-military forces to appropriate Adivasi lands, forests and resources and and resistance to this faced with brutality and murder; dis-employment of the urban poor due to infrastructure projects; mega corruption scandals in every development project. But of course this is of no interest to the media! Corruption in its current form seems to be so institutionalised in character and monstrous in proportion as to make past scandals look like petty deeds. Are these stories of some other land or of our own?

3rd Annual India H2O Conference 2012, May 23-24, 2012, Mumbai
Posted on 29 Feb, 2012 11:29 AM

Organization: ASAPP Media Information Group

Venue: The Orchid, Mumbai


For the first time in history, India is marching towards rapid urbanization under a deliberate policy. The creation of new cities, conversion of rural into urban areas, development of existing cities, and the continued growth and creation of waterdependent industries will require intense coordination with infrastructure, including water supply. This year, India's Union Ministry of Water Resources is reviewing the National Water Policy. Private players are awaiting a fortification of policies and revising thinking in implementation of viable water supply. A national water map is being developed to divine the availability with much more accuracy.

In India, water problems are 'man made': Comments on the draft water policy-2012
“Man has the fundamental right to freedom, equality and adequate conditions of life, in an environment of a quality that permits a life of dignity and well-being, and he bears a solemn responsibility to protect and improve the environment for present and future generations.” Principle 1, The Stockholm Declaration Posted on 29 Feb, 2012 11:02 AM

Author : Nagesh Hegde

National seminar on challenges & issues in renewable energy, PMI NTPC, March 15-16, 2012, Noida
Posted on 29 Feb, 2012 10:51 AM

Organizer: Power Management Institute (PMI) NTPC

Venue: Power Management Institute
            NTPC Limited
            Plot No. 5-14, Sector – 16A


The PMI was set up by NTPC in recognition of the vital role that management development has to play, in the context of the challenges associated with the growth of the Indian Power Sector. The Institute is involved in the training and development of middle and senior level personnel not only from the power sector but from organizations outside the sector also. The PMI is commited to be a leading institute in developing world-class competencies by providing a state-of-the-art training, which responds to and proactively meets the needs of the power professionals.

Success of first participatory irrigation development & management programme and its further extension in Maharashtra
With the financial assistance from the German Government/Development Bank (KfW); the Rural Development & Water Conservation Department (RD&WCD); Govt. of Maharashtra (GoM), has undertaken a programme called Minor Irrigation Programme-Maharashtra (MIP-M). Under this, 28 Minor Irrigation Schemes (MIS) have been completed under Local Sector Wing of RD&WCD. Programme originally started in March 2001 and ended on 30 June 2011. Posted on 27 Feb, 2012 11:33 AM

Author : Ulhas Krishna Apte

Draft National Water Policy 2012 - Dialogue organised by NEER Foundation, Meerut on February 18, 2012
The Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR), Government of India (GoI) has recently prepared a National Water Policy whose draft has been put up on the Ministry's website for public comments by February 27, 2012. The MoWR also stated that it would incorporate reasonable comments and suggestions into the new water policy after discussions. NEER Foundation, Meerut organized a one day intensive dialogue on February 18, 2012 at Hotel Crystal Palace, Meerut on the policy draft in which experts from across the country and farmers participated. Posted on 27 Feb, 2012 10:07 AM

Guest post by: Raman Kant Tyagi


Mayadantha Male (The miracle of rain) - All India Radio Karnataka programme on rainwater harvesting
This article by Chicu summarises an AIR, Karnataka programme on rainwater harvesting. Posted on 26 Feb, 2012 04:37 PM

"The miracle of rain : Let the earth overflow"

Ignoring precaution, MoEF clears a project which has been categorically rejected by majority Standing Committee of the NBWL
MoEF, which holds the mandate of safeguarding country's environment, has given a completely unjustifiable wildlife clearance to the 1750 MW Demwe Lower Hydroelectric dam on the Lohit river in Arunachal Pradesh (http://www.moef.nic.in/downloads/public-information/Demwe_Lower_Hydroelectric_project.pdf), in face of severe opposition from civil society, experts across country and all the independent members of National Board for Wildlife. This shocking decision has come at the heels of one more such clearance given by MoEF to 300 MW Alkananda project in Uttarakhand, which has been rejected twice by FAC and given a negative recommendation by WII. Posted on 26 Feb, 2012 01:31 PM

Guest Post : Parineeta Dandekar and Himanshu Thakkar

Water resource accounting as a tool for urban water management - An illustration in NCT- Delhi - Journal of Indian Water Works Association
This paper published in the Journal of Indian Water Works Association demonstrates how urban water management can be based on policies with the goals of effective water allocation, and its quality and quantity management, by making use of a water resource accounting framework and focuses on illustrating how urban water management can be achieved through water accounting through a case study of NCT-Delhi. Posted on 24 Feb, 2012 10:41 PM

The paper discusses the natural resources accounting in the context of national/regional policy first, and then places water resource accounting within it. Subsequently, the methodology as well as study framework adopted for resource accounting are discussed.
