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Raising Sardar Sarovar Dam height would be disastrous: Committee
News this week Posted on 16 Jun, 2015 11:16 AM

Committee warns against raising Sardar Sarovar Dam height

Sardar Sarovar Dam (Source: Shahakshay, Wikipedia)
Chennai fisherfolk explain the connection between climate, oceanographic factors and fish catch
Understanding how fishing communities cope with and adapt fisheries to climate change can be useful to develop broader adaptation strategies. Posted on 15 Jun, 2015 09:33 AM

Climate change could have a strong impact on fisheries with far-reaching consequences on food and livelihoods of populations. It is likely to have a major impact on future marine fisheries production in India.

Fisherfolk and climate change
Puppets talk, people listen
A small colony of puppeteers in Delhi 'pull strings' and talk on issues that plague their lives: Water, sanitation and land takeover bids. Posted on 14 Jun, 2015 10:31 PM

All the world’s a stage and all men and women players in it, said Shakespeare. Kathputli Colony in Delhi is living testimony to this. ‘Kath’ means wood and ‘putli’ is the Hindi word for a doll or puppet.

Modern day puppets talk on issues pertaining to real life situations
Farmers field school in Jharkhand shows the way in integrated farming
The School has taught farmers how to use waste from their farms as inputs in their farming system. Other organic practices have improved the soil profile and water holding capacity of the fields. Posted on 14 Jun, 2015 03:38 PM

Chedua Bedia is a 47-year-old marginal farmer from Dubulabeda village, Angara block of Ranchi district. In addition to being a successful farmer, Chedua has founded a school and motivates other farmers from his village to attend classes!

A farmers field school at Angara
Two states and a dam row
Latha Anantha of River Research Centre, Thrissur speaks to India Water Portal on the latest developments on the Mullaperiyar dam controversy. Posted on 14 Jun, 2015 01:31 PM

While the states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala have opposing stands on the Mullaperiyar dam, civil society actors have provided alternatives to the old dam whose decommissioning is bound to happen sooner or later. They have also pointed out the inappropriateness of building a new dam on Mullaperiyar.

Mullaperiyar reservoir (Source: Sibiperiyar, Wikimedia Commons)
Goa river waters contains high content of feacal coliform: Study
News this week Posted on 08 Jun, 2015 11:13 PM

Goa rivers water unfit for human consumption: GSPCB

River Sal in Goa (Source: Joel's Goa Pics via Flickr)
Yet another expert body formed to review Uttarakhand hydel project
Policy matters this week Posted on 08 Jun, 2015 08:30 PM

Centre constitutes third expert body to review Uttarakhand dams

River Ganga at Kaudiyala, Uttarakhand
Government clears 170 eco-zones across the country
Policy matters this week Posted on 02 Jun, 2015 05:02 AM

Centre gives nod to 170 eco- sensitive zones in the country

The Western Ghats
No relief to Yamuna even after reduced sewage flows in Delhi
News this week Posted on 02 Jun, 2015 01:20 AM

Yamuna pollution stays the same, despite a drop in sewage flow

Garbage piled high near the Yamuna river
WASH Educators Training (WET) 2015 at VIKSAT, Ahmedabad
VIKSAT announces the next batch of the WASH Educators Training (WET 2015), especially for women, working on issues related to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).
Posted on 01 Jun, 2015 04:00 PM
