Northern Plains

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Impact of climate change on major river basins in India: The Indo-Gangetic-Plains
The effect of climate change on the Indo-Gangetic-Plain region will primarily be by the glacier melting impacts and heat waves and extreme climates Posted on 28 Aug, 2009 02:14 PM

The Indo-Gangetic Plains, formed by the drainage systems of the rivers Indus and the Ganga, stretch across the countries of Bangladesh, Nepal, India and Pakistan covering approximately 401.72 million hectares of land.

Map depicting areas prone to flooding in India
A map from Wikimedia Commons showing the areas frequently affected by floods in India Posted on 19 Aug, 2009 03:48 PM

This map shows the regions in the country that are regularly affected by floods.

The major flood prone regions are Punjab, Haryana, most of the Gangetic plains including Uttar Pradesh, North Bihar and West Bengal, the Brahmaputra valley, coastal Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, and South Gujarat.

The living wisdom: using local well driller knowledge to construct digital groundwater data bases
The study analyses knowledge of well drillers about groundwater aquifers and verify it with scientific data Posted on 14 May, 2009 12:39 PM

In the absence of groundwater instrumentation networks in India, the knowledge of local well drillers about the location, quality, etc of groundwater aquifers is invaluable. 

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