Kachchh District

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Drinking water assessment and decentralized management plan for Abdasa taluka of Kachchh dstrict in Gujarat
This document deals with an assessment of drinking water status of Abdasa taluk of Kachch district, done by Sahajeevan, as part of an intervention program. Posted on 13 Aug, 2009 03:18 PM

A strategic plan for attaining drinking water security in the taluka was developed after a planning exercise which was completed into two phases.

Preparation of guidelines for drinking water protection in Abadasa taluka in Kutch district of Gujarat
This deals with the preparation of guidelines for drinking water protection in Abadasa taluka in Kutch district of Gujarat as a part of a research study (in progress) Posted on 13 Aug, 2009 01:07 PM

The report prepared by Arid Communities and Technologies (ACT) Kutch, Gujarat on behalf of Sahajeevan Trust aims to prepare a guideline for groundwater legislation to protect drinking water sources in the taluka.

Rohini Nilekani: "A fine balance in Kutch"
A village in Gujarat learns to live within their ecological limits, in a fine balance with nature. Posted on 17 Jul, 2009 07:27 PM

From Rohini Nilekani's "Uncommon Ground" column in Livemint


photo1As always, the monsoon may or may not come in time and in adequate quantity across the country. As always, again, people who live in the dry areas of the country, especially in the western desert districts of Rajasthan and Gujarat, with less than 250mm of average annual rainfall, will have to cope with scarcity, as they do year on year. Last week, I was in the Kutch region, on work, with soaring temperatures and no promise of rain despite an unusual cloud cover. We travelled a couple of hundred kilometres in the clay desert, despairing at the spread of Prosopis juliflora which—like so many other foreign species brought in by the forest department with all good intentions—has now overpowered large tracts of the countryscape, to the detriment of useful, hardy local species. We also marvelled at the raw beauty of the dry landscape, which yielded sudden delights such as a male nilgai in his prime and slender green bee-eaters diving gracefully in search of prey. Arid districts such as Kutch in Gujarat, and Barmer and Jaisalmer in Rajasthan mainly have livestock economies and it is not unusual to see thousands of animals—goats, cows, sheep, buffaloes and camels—moving amiably along in search of the next watering hole. It seems counter-intuitive that areas with such low rainfall should provide neighbouring states with meat and milk. IWMI (the International Water Management Institute) has done unique research to show how there is a massive export of virtual water from dry regions to wet through the sale of these products, leaving open some interesting questions on policy.

Safe and sustainable clean water access - case studies by Whitman Direct Action examining the obstacles to water development in India
The book features a collection of case studies and essays contributed by NGOs working on clean water development projects in India Posted on 21 May, 2009 12:01 PM

This Whitman Direct Action water book examines the socio-political and technological obstacles to water development in India and has become a transparent resource for other NGOs, the government sector, academics, and interested individuals to glean the expertise of their contemporaries in the fields of water development and water purification technology.

To adapt or not to adapt - the dilemma between long term resource management and short term livelihoods
The chapter explores the multifaceted social, physical, cultural, policy and economic dimensions of declining groundwater by studying farmer's response to drought in three districts of Gujarat Posted on 20 May, 2009 10:15 AM

This chapter from the book 'The Agricultural Groundwater Revolution: opportunities a
