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The Mullaperiyar conflict : Meeting to understand issues and explore a common ground, 4 Aug 2009, New Delhi
Posted on 02 Aug, 2009 07:50 PM

Image and Content Courtesy: Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India Guest Post by: K J Joy, Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India The Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India (Forum to be brief) is happy to invite you to the “The Mullaperiyar conflict: Meeting to understand issues and explore a common ground” to be held on 4th August 2009 between 4 to 8 pm at Constitutional Club, New Delhi. The Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India is a collaborative effort of many organisations and individuals in the country working on water and especially on water conflicts. The Forum’s work is guided by a Steering Committee and Advisory Committee consisting of some of the important names in the water sector in the country. The Forum began its work in 2004-05 and in the initial couple of years the main focus was to understand different types of conflicts in the country and took up extensive documentation of conflicts across the country. The cases have now been published as a book by Routledge, “Water Conflicts in India: A Million Revolts in the Making”. Presently the Forum is engaged more in activities that can help in resolving conflicts or making them more tractable through scientific studies and dialogue amongst the conflicting parties. The Forum has also taken the initiative to set up two groups of experts to work on two important issues related to water conflicts in the country, namely, 1) water allocations for livelihood needs and ecosystem needs; and 2) the legal-institutional framework for conflict resolution. The Forum aims to take up these issues for wider discussion and debate so that certain degree of social consensus can be built around these two critical issues. Some of the Forum partners are also engaged in active conflict resolution in their respective states. The Forum does believe that with scientific inputs and a spirit of cooperation and dialogue amongst the conflicting parties most of the conflicts around water can be resolved. It is in this spirit that the Forum has taken the initiative to organize this meeting on the Mullaperiyar conflict.

Vacancy: CSE needs programme coordinators/ senior researchers
Posted on 30 Jul, 2009 11:43 AM

Forwarded to the Portal by: WES-Net India Desk Image & Content Courtesy: CSE banner


CSE needs programme coordinators/senior researchers. To research, write, advocate and coordinate activities for environmental change

The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), an established policy research institution based in New Delhi, is expanding its work on aspects of industrial pollution, domestic sewage, water management, green urbanization. We need colleagues with knowledge of environmental issues or pollution science or engineering or journalism combined with passion and commitment. Our teams are small but focused on the need to bring policy and practice change. So you will have to work in a collegiate environment and under pressure of deadlines.

School of planning and architecture, New Delhi, presents urban design encompassing central ridge in the capital
Dipanjan Das and Shashank Jain, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, presents urban design for central ridge and its integration with the surrounding densely populated areas Posted on 06 Jun, 2009 03:55 PM

This presentation by Dipanjan Das and Shashank Jain, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi deals with their urban design encompassing the Central Ridge in New Delhi and its integration with the surrounding densely populated urban areas.

Vastukala academy and TVB school of habitat studies, New Delhi, presents recharge system for collecting rooftop rainwater
Sakshi Jain of vastukala academy and Suruchi Shah of TVB school of habitat studies, New Delhi, highlights grim water situation in city and design a groundwater recharge system for collecting rainwater Posted on 06 Jun, 2009 02:04 PM

In this presentation Sakshi Jain,  Vastukala Academy and Suruchi Shah, TVB School of Habitat Studies, New Delhi highlighted the grim water situation in Delhi and have designed a groundwater recharge system which collects rooftop rainwater from settlements around an identified site and recharges it into the ground through adequate filter media.

Water quality in various areas of Delhi: survey results of the Clean India Campaign
Development Alternatives did a survey of water quality in various areas of Delhi through its Clean India Campaign Posted on 02 Jun, 2009 10:43 AM

Development Alternatives did a survey of water quality in various areas of Delhi through its Clean India Campaign. The results are presented as a software application. The application can be downloaded and installed on your computer.

International summit on "Water Governance- Critical Issues For All" by ASSOCHAM
ASSOCHAM under its Cool The Earth , Initiative is organizing International Summit on "Water Governance , Critical Issues For All" Posted on 02 Jun, 2009 09:57 AM

Guest Post by: D. S. Rawat,ASSOCHAM

Image and Content Courtesy: ASSOCHAM It is our great privilege to inform you that ASSOCHAM under its Cool The Earth , Initiative is organizing International Summit on "Water Governance , Critical Issues For All"at 9.00 a.m. on June 24, 2009 at ASSOCHAM House, New Delhi. Our initiative is supported by the Ministry of Water Resources, UNESCO, International Water Management Institute, and Water Technology Centre, (IARI), KPMG (as knowledge partner) and other prominent organizations in water sector. As is evident, Water is going to be of increasing critical importance to countries like India in the coming years. ASSOCHAM has been carrying out special studies and surveys on water conservation and related issues. Our view is that water is going to be as integral part of whole infrastructure system as roads, power, etc in the development process in future. During informal consultations with government officials, experts and NGO's, we have been advised to raise awareness about water management among the consumers, industrial houses, agriculturists, environmentalists, NGO's, media, etc. so as to generate priority concern for all and to help find right solutions.

Training on result oriented approach to livelihood projects by Development Alternatives
As part of the Capacity Building Series (2009- 10) Development Alternatives is organizing training on 'A Result Oriented Approach to Livelihood Projects' Posted on 25 May, 2009 11:20 AM

Image and Content Courtesy: Development Alternatives As part of the Capacity Building Series (2009- 10) Development Alternatives is organizingA Result Oriented Approach to Livelihood Projects from 12-14 June 2009. The training is organized by the TARA Livelihood Academyand will be held at the Institute of Social Science, 8 Nelson Mandela Road, New Delhi. Complete information regarding the subjects covered, detailed plans & nomination formats can be accessed here:

Arsenic levels in Delhi's groundwater studied using hydride generator accessory coupled with atomic absorption spectrophotometer
The paper concludes that arsenic contamination in Delhi soils could be the result of dumping chemical rich garbage into open landfills Posted on 19 May, 2009 04:13 PM

This is a paper from the Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. In this paper hydride generator accessory coupled with atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to study the arsenic levels in the groundwaters of Delhi. The arsenic levels in the groundwater samples range from 0.0170 to 0.100 ppm.

Sewage canal - how to clean the Yamuna - a presentation by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
The presentation is an analyses to the strategies adopted to clean up Yamuna, one of India's holiest and dirtiest rivers Posted on 16 May, 2009 01:10 PM

This presentation provides an introduction to the book by the Centre for Science and Environment(CSE) titled Sewage Canal: How to Clean the Yamuna”. As per the presentation, several crore rupees have been sunk into plans to clean up the Yamuna.

Water summit 2009: To facilitate investments in the sector, CII, New Delhi
Posted on 14 May, 2009 02:11 PM

Image and Content Courtesy: Confederation of Indian Industry and Indian Business Alliance on Water water-summit-theme Confederation of Indian Industry, is organizing the 6th edition of the "Water Summit 2009" to facilitate investments and encourage Public Private Community Partnerships in Water, a 2 day event on 11 & 12 June 2009 at: Jacaranda, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003 (INDIA). The main objective of the Summit is to: * Catalyze Investments in Water Sector * Promote Public Private Community Partnership in water management * Share knowledge on best practices and innovative technologies Water Summit 2009 will focus on:

* Catalyzing Investments in Water Sector * Promotion of Rainwater Harvesting and innovative water management technologies * Exclusive session on water saving technologies, products and innovative case studies * Challenges and Opportunities for Public Private Community Partnership in Water Management * Innovations in industry and NGOs partnership.

Government representatives, Municipal Water Authorities, Industries from different sectors, Research organizations, Decision Makers from Financial Institutions, Equipment Manufacturers/ Technology providers, National and International organizations working on water management, Consultants, Nodal Agencies and NGO's are invited to attend the conference.

Water summit Registration Form and Programme.
