
Term Path Alias


Applications invited for Swaniti Year Long Fellowship 2013, Swaniti Initiative
An aim to engage youth in governance by launching them in constituency development engagements.
Posted on 14 Nov, 2013 08:33 PM

For more information on Swaniti Initiative, please click here.

For details on the fellowship opportunity, click here.

To apply for the same, click here.

Invite to the ' Environment and Wildlife Film Festival and Forum', CMS Vatavaran, New Delhi
The theme for the festival is mainstreaming biodiversity conservation at different levels to promote living in harmony with nature.
Posted on 13 Nov, 2013 08:18 AM

For more information on the festival, please click here.

To view the entries for the film festival, click here

To register for the same, click here.

CMS Vatavaran
Applications invited for Media Fellowships on 'Urbanscapes: how sustainable are our cities ? ', Centre for Science and Environment
What are the essentials which need to be taken care of while accommodating the modern demands of designing and retrofitting our urban space?
Posted on 12 Nov, 2013 05:19 PM

For more information on Centre for Science and Environment, please click here.

For further details on the Fellowship, click here.

Vacancy for the post of 'Social Inclusion Officer', UNDP , New Delhi
UNDP is looking for a dynamic individual to support the ministry in anchoring the social audit component of the MGNREGA.
Posted on 10 Nov, 2013 10:09 AM

For further information on the UNDP, please click here.

Details of the opening at UNDP may be viewed here.

To apply online click here

Applications invited for the post of 'Senior Social Scientist', The World Bank, New Delhi
An opening with the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), an international partnership to help the poor gain sustained access to water supply and sanitation services.
Posted on 02 Nov, 2013 01:49 PM

For more information on the organisation, The World Bank, please click here.

Have zones for renewable energy: MNRE
Policy Matters this week: MNRE devises zones for renewable energy production, Orissa bans fishing for Olive Ridley turtles' nesting and India and China sign agreement on trans-border rivers. Posted on 01 Nov, 2013 11:55 AM

Ministry recommends dividing the country into renewable energy zones

Wind energy in go green zone Source: Wikipedia
Invite to TARAgram Yatra 'Safe water for all and always', Development Alternatives, New Delhi & Orchha, Bundelkhand
A forum for stimulating debate, exchanging ideas, experiences and learning of professionals working in this sector.
Posted on 18 Oct, 2013 08:57 AM

For details on this yatra, please click here.

To register for the same, click here.

The draft agenda and the background note for the same are attached below.

TARAgram Yatra 2013
Applications invited for the post of 'Senior Research Associate',Landesa, New Delhi
Landesa helps India’s 15 million poor, rural, landless families obtain ownership of a small plot of land and the opportunity to build a better future.
Posted on 10 Oct, 2013 02:31 PM

Further details on the organisation, Landesa, may be viewed here.

For more information on the vacancy, click here.

Rajasthan's drinking water most contaminated
News this week: Rajasthan's drinking water most contaminated, artificial oxygen to clean Ulsoor lake and 20% government schools in Delhi don't have water connection. Posted on 06 Oct, 2013 10:54 PM

Rajasthan's drinking water most contaminated

Right to safe drinking water (Source: Merck Group)
Applications invited for the post of 'Technical officer- PRIs, Natural Resource Management and Livelihoods', UNDP, New Delhi
A responsibility of identifying and designing strategies for Panchayats to manage natural resources, enhance livelihoods and provide appropriate civic services.
Posted on 06 Oct, 2013 11:38 AM

For details on the vacancy, please click here.

To apply for the same, click here.
