World Social Forum

World Social Forum
World Water Forum 5, 2009
Updates from the event Posted on 27 Mar, 2009 11:21 AM

Anjal Prakash from SaciWATERs, Hyderabad report on the theme, 'Knowledge, Education and Capacity Development Strategies'.

Coordinated by UNESCO , IHE with about 24 other institutions around the world, the session focused on the issues related to knowledge management and development. This is with in the context of sharing newly gained knowledge through appropriate systems. In particular, the session addressed the need of strengthening the role of education, knowledge and capacity development in sustainable use and management of water resources. Friday witnessed the deliberations of the main theses in three parts , knowledge management and development, institutional capacity building and empowering organizations and people. In his opening remark, Richard Meganck, head of UNESCO , IHE and Kusum of NetWater & WfWp stressed the need to energized actors outside traditional water sector. They called for bridges divides between theoretical and political boundaries. "The capacity building needs go beyond training to develop talent and it starts where training ends"said Ms Athukurala.
