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Nudging farmers to conserve water
Study investigates whether the package of both training and comparisons would be more effective than training alone to urge farmers to conserve water in a field experiment in Haryana. Posted on 25 Jul, 2023 10:07 PM

In a randomised field experiment, researchers tested whether training medium scale farmers in an agricultural water reduction practice reduced water use from common aquifers in Haryana, India.

Alternate Wetting and Drying (Image: Zoheb Mahmud Khan)
One stop shop and services: Skilling rural Maharashtra
A pioneering initiative of training and skilling Young WASH Entrepreneurs (YWEs) as WASHMitras has not only helped solve the need for operation and maintenance of WASH facilities in schools in Maharashtra, but also helped empower WASHMitras in the process. Posted on 21 Jul, 2023 12:19 PM

Sapna, a WASHMitra from Chandrapur now frequently travels outside her village solving practical problems, breaking barriers and stereotypes while looking after Operation and Maintenance of toilets and marching towards earning more than enough to be financially independent.

(Image Source: CYDA, PEF, UNICEF (2022) One stop shop and services: Bringing 21st century skills to rural Maharashtra)
Water and worries of Bodh Gaya
Water is a major concern for the poor, who do not have the financial capability to exploit resources Posted on 21 Jul, 2023 10:35 AM

Bodh Gaya, a globally venerated small town, derives its significance as the birthplace of Buddhism. It is considered as the 'navel of the earth' (Pathavinabhi) among Buddhists.

Mahabodhi Mahavihara Temple, Bodh Gaya, Bihar (Image: Hiroki Ogawa, Wikimedia Commons)
ActionAid Association provides emergency relief to communities battered by floods in India
Heavy rains and flooding have ravaged parts of north India recently Posted on 21 Jul, 2023 09:35 AM

Northern India was battered by heavy rains over the past two weeks, with New Delhi marking its wettest day on July 9th, 2023, in more than 40 years, according to officials and local media.

ActionAid provides relief as the flood situation in north India wreaked havoc on the lives and livelihoods of people (Image: ActionAid Association)
She the change: Empowering voices, enriching workplaces
The inaugural Women at Work Conference of Arthan Posted on 17 Jul, 2023 08:25 PM

On July 4, 2023, Arthan organised its first Women at Work conference, 'She The Change: Empowering Voices, Enriching Workplaces,' at the India International Centre, New Delhi. The conference aimed to bring together organisational leaders, human resource experts, gender experts, and thought leaders from civil society organisations and enterprises.

Recognising intersectionality and prioritising accessibility was seen as essential for creating a diverse and supportive work environment. (Image: Arthan)
Prioritise citizen participation in India's environmental policy development: Civis
Civis and Rainmatter Foundation have launched Climate Voices, a first-of-its-kind guide aimed at enabling and accelerating public consultation in co-creating India’s environmental laws  Posted on 16 Jul, 2023 10:12 AM

Need to improve citizen participation in India's environment and climate policymaking (Image: Caniceus/ Pixabay)
Fourteen Indian states have better resilience to floods
These states are at the forefront of flood early warning systems Posted on 14 Jul, 2023 09:58 PM

Approximately 66% of individuals in India are exposed to extreme flood events. However, only 33% of the exposed individuals are covered by flood early warning systems (EWS), according to a new report released by the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) recently.

Previously drought-prone areas are now facing floods (Image: Needpix)
Implementing ‘just transition’ in India
The framework and methodological considerations Posted on 12 Jul, 2023 09:33 AM

Emanating from global discourse around worker welfare, the concept of ‘just transition’ has come to be associated with climate action, where it intends to transform energy systems from being fossil-dominated to environmentally cleaner forms by keeping the interests of vulnerable sections of society at the centre.

A just transition strategy needs to encompass techno-economic, socio-cultural, political and other varied aspects around energy transition and climate justice (Image: Kranich17/Pixabay/CC0)
Saamuhika Shakti: Empowering Bangalore waste pickers to live dignified lives
A collective impact effort, the first of its type in India that provides informal waste pickers a chance to live safe and dignified lives, with particular emphasis on gender and equity. Posted on 12 Jul, 2023 08:31 AM

According to the World Bank (2020), 49% of the urban population in India, resides in slums. The urban slum dweller’s desire for a better life has only been partially fulfilled, as people continue to fight for necessities such as clean drinking water and adequate toilets.

Waste pickers and sorters working hard to extract recyclable value from the waste we throw out (Image: Vinod Sebastian/ Saamuhika Shakti)
How data and technology can improve urban livability
By fostering strong collaborations and pooling resources, cities can collectively address the challenges of data-driven urbanization, says NIUA report Posted on 10 Jul, 2023 07:46 PM

The National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) and Primus Partners Pvt. Ltd. (Primus) collaborated on a report titled "Data and Technology to Drive Liveable Cities." This comprehensive study was officially unveiled during the Urban 20 Mayoral summit held in Ahmedabad on July 7 and 8, 2023.

There is tremendous transformative potential of data driven approaches in shaping urban environments (Image: Needpix, CC0)