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Living rivers, dying rivers - Ninth in the series of lectures at India International Centre, New Delhi, February 29, 2012
Posted on 24 Feb, 2012 10:28 PM

The ninth in the series of lectures titled "Living Rivers, Dying Rivers" that aims at understanding what has been happening to rivers across India and drawing appropriate lessons is scheduled to be held on February 29, 2012 at the India International Centre, New Delhi. The series is coordinated by Prof. Ramaswamy R. Iyer. The lecture will be delivered by  Himanshu Thakkar. A number of different rivers, some sick or dying, some living and healthy, and some showing early signs of sickness, are being taken up for presentations and discussion, and it is attempted to understand what has gone wrong in many cases, what has gone right in some, and what needs to be done to revive and restore dying or sick rivers.

NIRD Annual Mela, NIRD RTP, February 25-28, 2012, Hyderabad
Posted on 24 Feb, 2012 09:41 PM

Organizer: National Institute Of Rural Development (NIRD)

Venue: National Institute Of Rural Development
             Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad 500030


Keeping in line with the tradition of the NIRD in organizing Annual Melas, the Rural Technology Park (RTP), NIRD is organizing a “Rural Technology Mela” for four days from February 25 to 28, 2012. A large number of rural technologies, products developed by various technology developers will be displayed in the Mela. There will be about 200 stalls for displaying various rural technologies and rural products from all over the country. It is expected that a large number of technology developers, technology users, technology institutions, Universities, scientific and research organizations, Public Sector Undertakings, Departments, Self Help Groups (SHGs) from states, namely, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and many other parts of the country are expected to participate in the Mela.

Fellowship media briefing workshop : Tigers, tiger habitats and their conservation in India , CSE, April 25-26, New Delhi
Posted on 21 Feb, 2012 09:17 AM

Organizer: Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)



India hosts a majority of the world’s tiger population -- about 1,700 tigers, according to the May 2011 census. But a combination of threats is holding this meagre number to ransom, and poaching and trade in wildlife parts is just one of them. Shrinking habitat, conflicts with humans, growing tourist interference… the tiger has a lot to contend with. Policy intervention, protective legislations and international pressure have not made much of a difference, and if action is not taken effectively, the tiger will dwindle towards extinction.

Training programme on urban rainwater harvesting, CSE, March 27-29, 2012, New Delhi
Posted on 20 Feb, 2012 10:52 PM

Organizer: Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)

Venue: Anil Agarwal Green College
            Centre for Science and Environment
            38, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
            New Delhi- 62


Training Programme on Urban Rainwater Harvesting a three-day workshop on how to harvest rain in urban centres of India has been announced by CSE between March 27-29,2012.

The programme allows you to gain knowledge, acquire holistic perspectives and get hands-on practice in planning and designing urban water harvesting systems. It will help you to solve real-life water problems of today and give you a unique chance to meet and interact with experts and professionals in the field of rainwater harvesting. Fellowships Available for Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Maldives.

Short term training on Social Impact Assessment, CSE, March 26-28, 2012, New Delhi
Posted on 20 Feb, 2012 10:38 PM

Organizer: Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)

Venue: Centre for Science and Environment (CSE),
            41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
            New Delhi- 62


Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is an important tool to inform decision makers, regulators and stakeholders, about the possible social and economic impact of a proposed project. To be effective, it requires the active involvement of all concerned stakeholders. Centre for Science and Environment recognises this need and has developed hands-on three-day training programme aimed at giving practical exposure to participants on SIA with specific reference to deve lopment projects, such as infrastructure, mining and other industrial projects.

Managing Information in the digital age, CSE, March 20-23, 2012, New Delhi
Posted on 20 Feb, 2012 10:13 PM

Organizer: Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)

Venue: Centre for Science and Environment (CSE),
            41, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
            New Delhi- 62


Managing information, in the internet era with explosive information availability demands special skills and calls for investments in strengthening the information infrastructure and skills of an organisation. This specially designed course will teach participants on how to manage all aspects and types of information, at an institutional level and develop a virtual resource centre using open source tools and technologies.

Certificate course on the Agenda for Survival, CSE, AAGC, June 1- 30, 2012, New Delhi
Posted on 20 Feb, 2012 09:50 AM

Organizer: Centre for Science & Environment (CSE),  
                   Anil Agarwal Green College (AAGC)

Venue: Anil Agarwal Green College
             38, Tughlakabad Institutional Area
             New Delhi–110062


This interdisciplinary month-long summer certificate course allows Indian participants to understand and critically evaluate issues that lie at the interface of environment & development; poverty; democracy, equity & justice.

International Conference on RDEIA- IACM 2012, CSIR, NEERI, March 28-30, 2012, Nagpur
Posted on 20 Feb, 2012 08:50 AM

Organizer: Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR),
                  National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI)

Venue: National Environmental Engineering Research Institute,
            Nehru Marg,
            Nagpur 440 020

      CSRI  NEERI 

International Conference on Recent Developments in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) & Integrated Approach for Carbon Management – Solutions, Technology Developments and Pollution Abatement (RDEIA-IACM 2012) will bring together the Indian and International R&D professionals and workers in the field of Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Science and Engineering, Green Chemistry and Green Technologies related to recent advances in Carbon Chemistry and to discuss new and exciting achievements in this field.

Training in EPANET, The Community Engineers
Posted on 18 Feb, 2012 09:31 AM

Organizer: The Community Engineers (TCE)


Trainees will be provided with the EPANET 2.0 software, Handouts and EPANET Manual. TCE has carried out several training in Water Supply Distribution Modelling using EPANET across India. 
