Tamil Nadu Uplands

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Thirupporur and Vadakkuppattu: Eighteenth century locality accounts – A report by Centre for Policy Studies
Many notable features of the eighteenth century Tamil society have been brought out in this book. Posted on 10 Oct, 2011 08:26 PM

This research monograph on Thirupporur and Vadakkuppatu: Eighteenth Century Locality Accounts, prepared jointly by the Centre for Policy Studies, Chennai and Tamil University, Thanjavur, presents a graphic picture of the society and polity of eighteenth century Tamil Nadu.

Democratisation of water management as a way to reclaiming public water: The Tamil Nadu experience
This document describes the efforts made by the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board (TWAD), to tackle the growing water crisis in the state and describes how it addressed it very differently, unlike the previous reform strategies. Posted on 02 Jul, 2010 12:48 AM

This document describes the efforts made by the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board (TWAD), to tackle the growing water crisis in the state and describes how it addressed it very differently, unlike the previous reform strategies.

India - Physical Map from the Survey of India (2002)
A definitive physical features map of the country from the Survey of India, showing elevation in metres of different regions and major rivers and land formations. Posted on 18 Aug, 2009 05:35 PM

Download the map from the attachment listed below:
