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Workshop on "Ecological sanitation", CapNet South Asia, Feb 15-17 2008, Bangalore, Karnataka
Posted on 26 Dec, 2007 11:51 AM

Regional Workshop on Ecological Sanitation (From Umesh Pakalapati, CapNet South Asia, Hyderabad) A regional workshop on "Ecological Sanitation"will be held in Bangalore, Karnataka, India in February (15th-17th), 2008. It is being organized with the support of CapNet Global and Arghyam Trust, India. Cap-Net invites interested people to send their details.

Interaction with Mr. Ramaswamy Iyer to mark the release of his book
Interaction with Mr. Ramaswamy Iyer to mark the release of his book
Posted on 22 Nov, 2007 10:44 AM

Arghyam Trust organised an interaction in Bangalore with Mr. Ramaswamy Iyer to mark the recent release of his book "Towards Water Wisdom: Limits, Justice and Harmony" . The release of Mr. Iyer's book is covered here: https://www.indiawaterportal.org/blog/index.php/2007/07/04/new-book-by-ramaswamy-iyer/

We at the Water Portal and Arghyam were very gratified as Mr. Iyer spoke briefly but warmly of the Portal and its usefulness as a resource on water issues. Photos from the event are below. Others in the photographs include Sunita Nadhamuni, CEO of Arghyam, Dr. L.C. Jain who introduced Mr. Iyer and particapated in the proceedings and Vishwanath Srikantaiah of the Rainwater Club and Arghyam

Map showing areas of Bangalore where rainwater harvesting is practised
Map showing areas of Bangalore where rainwater harvesting is practised
Posted on 30 Oct, 2007 08:03 PM

Mayadanta Male : Broadcast programs on rainwater harvesting by Chitradurga AIR
Mayadanta Male : Broadcast programs on rainwater harvesting by Chitradurga AIR Posted on 23 Oct, 2007 08:51 PM

In July 2007 India Water Portal collaborated with Chitradurga All India Radio (AIR) station (FM 102.6MHz) to produce and broadcast programs related to rainwater harvesting and ground water management. This activity was part of the 'offline' dissemination program of the Water Portal , i.e. creating awareness related to water issues through different offline media. We feel that the program series is a success and would like to reproduce the experience on a larger scale. The series -- named Mayadanta Male (literal , Magical Rain) involves 15 programs of 30 minutes duration each.

Radio programs on rainwater harvesting
Radio programs on rainwater harvesting
Posted on 10 Jul, 2007 09:10 PM

India Water Portal has partnered with VOICES and BIRD-K to produce and broadcast a set of radio programs on rainwater harvesting.The programs are in Kannada and target audience is people of Tumkur district, though the programs can be heard over a much wider reach including Bangalore.

IWP is looking for a Project Manager
Posted on 28 Jun, 2007 04:26 AM

Project Manager, India Water Portal, Arghyam Location: Bangalore The India Water Portal, an initiative of Arghyam, Bangalore is looking for someone to join our hi-energy team.
