Tushaar Shah

Tushaar Shah
Impacts of groundwater contamination with Fluoride and Arsenic: A report by CAREWATER
The impacts of groundwater contamination with fluoride and arsenic in India Posted on 04 Aug, 2010 10:25 AM


The field research study conducted by Carewater INREM Foundation attempts to establish the impacts of groundwater contamination with fluoride and arsenic in India. It maps the affliction severity, the medical cost and wage loss through a multi-location study in some villages in the States of Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and West Bengal.

Possibility of revival of dug wells in hard rock India through recharge: A discussion paper by CAREWATER
Revival of dug wells in the hard rock regions of India: economic and social impact. Posted on 03 Aug, 2010 08:07 PM

carewaterThe discussion paper by Carewater INREM Foundation on possibility of revival of dug wells in hard rock India through recharge is based on a field study across ten districts of the country. The study seeks to understand how localized governance of groundwater in hard rock areas is to be pursued through pricing (water, energy), legal regulation and community institutions. Water supply augmentation and demand management are both to be taken care of, directly through regulation or through indirect instruments such as pricing.

Groundwater Management - Typology of challenges, approaches and opportunities - Research papers from the conference organised by ACWADAM and Arghyam at Pune (May 2009)
This article is about the workshop on groundwater was organised by ACWADAM and Arghyam Trust in Pune in May 2009. Posted on 17 Mar, 2010 04:40 AM

ACWADAMA workshop on groundwater was organised by ACWADAM and Arghyam Trust in Pune in May 2009, that brought together several experts in the field, and explored diverse topics such as the importance of scale in groundwater resource planning and management, importance of aquifer typologies, participatory processes of groundwater management, groundwater regulation and groundwater linkages with watershed development, markets and policy matters.

The attempt of the workshop and research papers presented, was to highlight contemporary issues in groundwater management, and to look at it through the multiple lenses of hydrogeology, sociology, economics, livelihoods, environment, disasters and so on.

Water economies - Of the rich and the poor
Study of water governance in the Indus Gangetic basin that observes that the water economy in this basin is largely informal Posted on 11 Dec, 2009 12:34 AM

Once it is known that the system of administration and management of water resources has grown in a manner which is not conducive to productivity and efficiency, then what options are we left with? How do we analyze the state of the system, so that the critical points are identified and improved upon?

Impacts of groundwater contamination with fluoride and arsenic- a report by International Water Management Institute
The report analyse the social and economic dimensions of arsenicosis and fluorosis in India Posted on 29 May, 2009 10:50 AM

Arsenic and fluoride are the two main natural contaminants of groundwater in India. The related diseases due to prolonged exposure are arsenicosis and fluorosis, prevalent in many arid villages of India.

Impacts of groundwater contamination with fluoride and arsenic - Affliction severity, medical cost and wage loss in Indian villages
The study found that fluoride and arsenic contamination had high cost on society and concluded that government agencies and individuals need to get more attentive to address the issue Posted on 20 May, 2009 11:56 AM

This document on the study conducted by IWMI on the Carewater site aimed at understanding the economic and social burden experienced by people afflicted with contamination of water due to higher percentages
