Sunidhi Agarwal

Sunidhi Agarwal
Support mechanism needed to halt mass reverse migration
Reverse migration amidst the second wave of COVID-19 Posted on 24 May, 2021 08:50 PM

Migrant workers had been assured multiple times that an economic lockdown will not be imposed and yet by mid-April reverse migration was in full swing.

Stranded migrant workers during lockdown because of COVID-19 pandemic in Delhi (Image: Sumita Roy Dutta, Wikimedia Commons)
Rural realities amid second COVID surge
Practitioner's experiences in tackling the second wave in Indian villages Posted on 17 May, 2021 10:44 PM

The second wave of COVID-19 has now spread to the rural pockets of the country at a much faster rate than it did during the first wave of the outbreak.

There is a need to strengthen the capacities of ASHA workers, and other healthcare and grassroots workers. (Image: DMD, Government of Bihar)
Climate-induced migration surges in the Indian sub-continent
Extreme weather events induced by climate change can trigger displacements Posted on 15 Apr, 2021 02:11 PM

Climate change-related stressors that disrupt people’s lives to a large e

The monsoon rains flooded the plots of land beside the Yamuna river in Delhi, displacing families from their vegetable patches. (Image: Michael Foley; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Budget 2021: Will agriculture sector get a boost?
Solutions are needed that will increase productivity while maintaining sustainability Posted on 28 Jan, 2021 10:15 AM

The agriculture sector is confronted with high price volatility, low returns, low productivity and weather risks.

The government could consider a shift from the price support system to an income support system. PM-KISAN is a step in that direction, but the assistance under that is lacking. (Image: Wikimedia Commons)
The invisible face of agriculture
Women farmers need support in the form of resources, technologies, policies and other actions to level the farming field. The first step is to recognise their role in farming. Posted on 16 Jan, 2021 11:14 AM

“Female labour participation has been declining across India from 1990 to 2019. It has declined from 31% to 25% from 2005 to 2010 and further to 20% in 2019. This has contributed to employment loss for women. A shift in economic activity has been observed as more women were engaged in the manufacturing and service sectors.

Though women are involved in economic activities of the cropping system but their role is negligible in household decision making and participation (Image: PxHere)