Rashid Ali Khan

Rashid Ali Khan
Water conservation - A viable option to improve water availability - Solution Exchange paper
Expansion of irrigated areas and rapid industrialisation cause water shortages? A paper here argues the possibilities and contradictions of Water Conservation.
Posted on 11 Dec, 2010 12:16 PM

This paper from the recommended documentation section of the  Solution Exchange for the Water Community Discussion Summary on the preparation of the strategic plan for rural drinking water by the Department of Drinking Water Supply, Ministry of Rural Development, is directed at stakeholders, planners, managers and consumers.

The paper argues on the importance of water conservation in the context of the increasing water shortages that the country has been facing in recent years because of expansion of irrigated areas and rapid industrialisation.

The article argues that water conservation practices need to be encouraged and improved through research, effective regulations, information dissemination and incentives to the end user and more emphasis needs to be placed on adequate coverage, quality monitoring and collection of field level data. 
