
New farm practice for rice crop : A Lok Sabha response
Minister of state in the ministry of agriculture ,Prof.K.V.Thomas, states the need for SRI cultivation of rice crops.
Posted on 31 Mar, 2010 10:48 AM

New farm practice for rice crop a lok sabha response

Goverment of India

Ministry of Agriculture

Lok Sabha

Unstarred Question No 2961

Answered On 16.03.2010

New Farm Practice for Rice Crops 2961 .
J. Shantha

Will the Minister of Agriculture be pleased to state:-

  1. Whether a new farm practice has been developed in Karnataka to increase the productivity of land, water and other farm inputs in the cultivation of rice crops;
  2.  If so, the details thereof;
  3. Whether this practice has incorporated some innovative features over the conventional method of flooded rice cultivation;
  4. If so, the details thereof;
  5. Whether the existing problems like water scarcity high energy usage and environmental degradation would adequately be taken care of and crop yield increased substantially by this new farming practice; and
  6. If so, the details thereof?