Pandya Amit

Pandya Amit
Climate change threats to India's water resources and emerging policy responses - From the book 'Indian climate policy: Choices and challenges', by the Henry Stimson Centre.
This book published by Henry L. Stimson Centre highlights the richly diverse nature of India's views on climate change through a range of essays, focussing on the strengths and weakness of the policy. Posted on 14 Apr, 2010 11:01 AM

This book published by Henry L. Stimson Centre highlights the richly diverse nature of India's views on climate change through its range of essays. These essays demonstrate and challenge the international perception of India as a monolithic actor with a single set of opinions and views in the climate change negotiations.

In this chapter, the author discusses the strengths and the weaknesses of India's climate policy in the context of the increasing threats that have been identified to the water resources in the country. The author states that India's climate policy is still in its emerging state and argues that though the policy does highlight many important areas related to climate change, it does not give adequate attention to a very crucial area of water management.
