Nivedita Khandekar

Nivedita Khandekar
More people should use this zero sewage discharge toilet
The three-decade old 'Gramkranti Eco-Bio Toilet' doesn't pollute or need a septic tank or a sewage network. In fact, its output is a nutrient-rich liquid that can be used as a pesticide!
Posted on 13 Nov, 2015 08:46 PM

Toilets need a septic tank or a connection to a sewage network, enough water to clean and flush, and regular maintenance to ensure proper functioning--except if it's the '

The team: Sanjay Joshi (left) and Ravindra Ganorkar (Source: Nivedita Khandekar)
Irrigation systems of Himachal threatened by hydropower projects
Small hydro-power projects thought to be least damaging threaten the very existence of Kuhls, the source of water for irrigation. It's no wonder that young Kohlis prefer government jobs to farming.
Posted on 27 Jul, 2014 11:04 AM

Pro-dam lobby has long praised the small or micro hydropower projects, especially run-of-the-river units as least damaging. But both the developer/s of such projects and the government seem to have overlooked an important aspect: its impact on Kuhls, the traditional irrigation system of Himachal Pradesh.

Kuhl, Awa khud, Kandbari (Nivedita Khandekar)