Ned Breslin

Ned Breslin
An introduction to sanitation technologies - Video from Water for People
What is the difference between a VIP and an improved pit latrine? What is the actual technology that supports Ecological Sanitation - Short videos to answer these.
Posted on 13 Dec, 2010 12:44 PM

We often get asked about toilets— what is the difference between a VIP and an improved pit latrine? What is the actual technology that supports Ecological Sanitation? Good questions, and so we are introducing short videos on different types of toilets.

Misguided debate continues to shape sanitation crisis
More money for toilets, Calls for action: Prioritizing sanitation? A study circulating about how more people in India have access to cell phones than latrines, causes a stir to action. May be?
Posted on 13 Dec, 2010 12:04 PM

A study is now circulating about how more people in India have access to cell phones than latrines. This lit up the blogosphere and Twitter – sector professionals and advocates are both dumbfounded and outraged that something so central to health and development as a toilet is being numerically lapped by something so trivial/consumerist as a cell phone. This affront has led to yet further calls for "action": more money for toilets and greater commitments to sanitation provision from aid agencies, governments, and NGOs who too often prioritize water over sanitation.
