MV Rama Chandrudu

MV Rama Chandrudu
People’s institutions for improving water and sanitation services - A video showing the experiences of Jankapet village in Andhra Pradesh in improving the water supply in the village
This video narrates the fascinating story of the active role played by a village water committee in Jankampet, Andhra Pradesh, in improving the water supply system and living upto the expectations of communities. Established way back in 1996, the village has had 16 committees till now and its functioning shows that the sustainability of the institution is ensured as it is considered as people's institutions.
Posted on 31 Dec, 2012 11:51 AM

Understanding governance in WASH sector in Andhra Pradesh - A study by WASSAN
The paper examines the issue of water governance- its key elements, applicability, and influence on service levels. Posted on 18 Feb, 2012 03:38 PM

Problems in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector have their roots in socio-political issues rather than in technology. This paper presents the report of a survey in 107 villages in rural Andhra Pradesh to illustrate the influence of governance systems.

contrasting pictures of a well maintained hand pump and one that is standing in a pool of dirty water