Climate Asia

Climate Asia
Green jobs for women and a way to address climate change
A panel discussion was held by Climate Asia to address these issues
Posted on 10 Mar, 2023 02:37 PM

On March 6, Climate Asia organized a panel discussion titled "Green Jobs for Women: A Path to Climate Solutions." The panel was designed to discuss aspects of the green jobs ecosystem for women and explore how it can contribute to addressing climate change.

Barefoot solar engineer Minakshi Diwan 20, tends to maintenance works in the solar village in Odisha (Image: Engineering for Change)
Climate Asia addresses concerns about climate change
A masterclass by Climate Asia on “Localisation of Economy from Climate Lens” talks of various aspects from the ground up.
Posted on 02 Nov, 2022 07:38 AM

Last week,

Effects of climate change on this low-lying lands (UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe)