B R Ramesh

B R Ramesh
Mapping ecologically sensitive, significant and salient areas of Western Ghats: Proposed protocols and methodology by Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel of the MoEF - An article from Current Science
This article in Current Science proposes protocols and methodology for mapping ecologically sensitive areas (ESAs) along the Western Ghats Posted on 02 Feb, 2011 08:11 PM

The Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel (WGEEP) of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (GOI) had been asked to identify ESAs along the Western Ghats, and to suggest how to manage them. The concept of ESAs has been extensively discussed in the literature. Several ESAs have been set up in India over the last 22 years under the Environment Protection Act, 1986, and a GOI committee under the chairmanship of Pranob Sen has proposed certain criteria for identification of ESAs.

200 ft deep well needed for rain water storage so that it is used to recharge underground water pockets
The article is about the need for deep wells for rain water storage so that it can be used for groundwater recharge.
Posted on 31 Mar, 2010 03:12 PM

Use of rain water to recharge quickly the deep under ground water pockets

Present problem:

  1. Due to urbanization, many a under ground water recharge/enrichment points have be closed/covered/blocked. So, % of water reaching the underground water pockets is reduced to a very great extent.
  2. Bore wells are dug at a very large number to satisfy the increasing demand for water. Therefore, level of underground water table is going down alarmingly.
  3. As  many the opportunities for the rain water to reach the underground level is blocked almost at all places, even with a little bit of rain, the water will run on the roads & cause artificial flood or water blocking at different points on roads or low laying areas of the Cities. Such floods are causing a lot of traffic jams/road mishaps.Rain water on the road is also damaging the durability of the TAR roads.