Anandita Sarkar

Anandita Sarkar
Water tankers help, but not “all” women
This study found that water tankers helped in coping with water scarcity and reducing the drudgery of women, but only those from the rich upper castes while reinforcing gender stereotypes.
Posted on 07 Mar, 2023 12:11 PM

Accessing water for daily needs has culturally and socially been considered as gendered domestic work and the task of collecting water in rural areas where water is scarce and fetching water is extremely tedious and time consuming. 

Women carrying water in Rajasthan (Image Source: Christopher Michel via Wikimedia Commons)
Punjab's groundwater crisis: A bye product of the govt's short sighted policies?
As long as electricity is improperly priced and farmers get the MSP for rice, they will not take up maize cultivation. This will lead to further deterioration of groundwater. Posted on 23 Mar, 2015 05:26 PM

Punjab has made great progress in grain production following the technological revolution in agriculture in the 1960s. The state achieved this through subsidised use of high yielding variety seeds, fertilisers and irrigation.

Farmer in Punjab (Source: Wikimedia Commons)